Saturday October 12th is the 12th annual Life Is Living Festival!! Where: LIL Bobby Hutton Park 1651 Adeline Street,Oakland When:10-7 Why: Because we LOVE the TOWN! Ms. Butterfly’s KIDs ZONE features: What: Games by Fremont High,Face Painting by Painted Wonderland ,Play Well Leggo Town Build, Clay Table,Butterfly Effect Migration Project’,Free Breakfast@10am, A Full Day Of Dance,Martial Arts ,Storytime,Magic Show,Sing Along, Dance Party and Bands on the DESTINY ARTS STAGE!!!!!!!!!!FUN FUN and more FUN!! Cost: Free Dollars And Free Cents #lifeislivingoakland#lilbobbyhuttonpark#thereisnothingquitelikethis ✨ Thanks faery much for inviting your friends and family✨See you at the park!!!